It initializes the secret generation process, the result can be obtained by
the keyring_reconnect call.
Either id or type must be defined, but not both.
id* string; ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,127}$
The IDs of the secrets to populate with the generated data. If the ID already exists in the device, the secret will be updated. If the ID does not exist a new secret will be created.
note ^[^"`\\$;]{0,42}$ | User description of the secret. It can only be specified when creating a new secret, that is when id is not defined.
params dhparam|pkey_cert|cert_single | Extra parameters needed for generating depending on type
id* string
The ID of en existing pkey_cert to use for generating. If Certification Authority (CA) is configured and enabled in the system it will be used to sign the certificate.
The ID of en existing pkey_cert to use for generating.
length* unsigned integer
The secret lenght in bytes (not bits)
delay* unsigned int
Indicates in how many seconds the client should attempt to reestablish the connection. The value must be lower than timeout.
interval* unsigned int
The interval in seconds between attempts to reconnect after the initial delay
interval_increase* unsigned int
By how many seconds should increase the interval between attempts
timeout* unsigned int
Indicates after how many seconds should attempts to reestablish connection be given up. It is measured from the moment the response to this call was received by the client. Its value must be greater than delay.